Advanced digital technologies and respective software offer dentistry much wider opportunities. Computed tomography, for one, is becoming more and more affordable and almost every dental tomograph has the necessary software installed for dental manipulation 3D planning. Dental implantation in Russia has seen significant development allowing dental implants to be installed even with scarce bone tissue. The purpose of this paper is to offer a review of various methods that can be employed to plan the installation of a dental implant as well as the preparation of surgical templates. Dentistry has always had a close connection with other fields of science and industry, attracting a large number of innovations. Here, we have collected data showing how the treatment procedure is changing through integration of computed diagnostics technologies (CT) and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies. Consequently, we gain access to more efficient and less traumatic dental implantation planning systems, all this being based on accurate data and computer calculations that minimize any potentially negative technological or human factor.
European Scientific Society