Treatment of dirofilariosis in the practice of the head and neck tumor departments (clinical observation)


Fedina M. S.1ORCID,Gorchak Yu. Yu.1ORCID,Titova A. V.2ORCID,Romanova E. S.3ORCID,Sadovnikova O. A.3ORCID,Reshetov D. N.1ORCID,Ter-Ovanesov M. D.2ORCID


1. Russian University of Medicine, Ministry of Health of Russia; Central Clinical Hospital “Russian Railways-Medicine”, JSC “Russian Railways”

2. Russian University of Medicine, Ministry of Health of Russia

3. Central Clinical Hospital “Russian Railways-Medicine”, JSC “Russian Railways”


Nowadays, doctors of almost all specializations have to deal with patients who have one or another voluminous formations of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with localization in the head and neck region, which are heterogeneous in their etiology. It’s important to remember that sometimes neoplasms can turn out to be a manifestation of an infectious disease, in particular helminthosis. One of the representatives from this group of diseases is dyrofilariasis, is a zoonotic transmissible tropical helminth disease caused by roundworms – filarias of the genus Dirofilaria, which parasitize in humans mainly in the subcutaneous tissue and lymphatic system. A single filariasis of the Dirofilaria repens type is found in humans in temperate regions of Russia. Generally, dirofilariosis imitates the clinical picture of some other non-parasitic disease. Because of the lack of awareness of this disease among doctors, the process of making a diagnosis is almost always difficult. Often the correct diagnosis is only made during surgical treatment.The article presents a clinical observation of dirofilariosis with lesions subcutaneous tissue of the dorsum nose.


Publishing House ABV Press

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