Potential Possibilities of Nuclear Medicine Methods in Diagnostics Age Changes of the Cardiovascular System.
Vorontsova M.1, Obrezan A.2, Obrezan A.12
1. JSC NOMECO, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 2. Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
In connection with the increase in the average age of the world's population, the problem of preventing premature aging and the treatment of age-related diseases is coming to the fore. The main direction in the implementation of this goal is to influence the key molecular mechanisms of aging in order to suppress pathological processes and activate the defense systems of the cell and the body as a whole. In order to solve this daunting task, it is necessary to have in the arsenal not only various means of intervention in the aging process, but also diagnostic methods that would allow to fully verify these processes and evaluate the effectiveness of medical interventions.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
Nuclear Energy and Engineering
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