1. Research Institute of Agriculture of the Northern Trans-Urals - a branch of Federal Research Center of Tyumen Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sel'skogo hozyaystva Severnogo Zaural'ya – filial TyumNC SO RAN
Studies for the comparative evaluation of economic traits of spring wheat varieties of European ecological and geographical origin in cultivation in Tyumen region were conducted in 2018-2020. We studied varieties of spring wheat of local (Omskaya 36, Grenada, Aviada) and European ecological and geographical origin (Goplana, Mandarina, Arabella). The germinating ability, germinal development, seed contamination and seed dressing efficiency were determined under laboratory conditions. Field experiment was laid in the nursery of competitive variety trials, plot area 20 m2, biometric observations, yield and its quality were carried out. The soil of the experimental site is dark gray forest, heavy loam. Under laboratory conditions on day 7 of observation there was a difference in the development of germinal organs. The greatest length of roots was in the standard Omskaya 36 and Mandarin variety (13.7...14.1 cm) exceeding the other varieties on average by 15...20%. The sprout length of 16.3...16.5 cm was in the standard Omskaya 36 and variety Goplana, exceeding the other studied varieties by 15.9...40.6%. Seed infection in local varieties was present in the form of fungi p. Alternaria - 10...58%, p. Fusarium - 2...7%, Bipolaris sorokiniana - 0...4%, in foreign varieties - only p. Alternaria 0...7%. Grenada, Mandarina, Arabella varieties showed high resistance to root rot at the time of harvesting with disease development 15...36% lower than standard and 40...60 % lower than other varieties. Varieties of local selection (Omskaya 36, Grenada, Aviada) exceeded local varieties by Septoria nodorum by 3.0...9.6%, by brown rust Puccinia recondite by 1.0...3.4 % of varieties of European selection. Varieties of foreign selection (Goplana, Mandarina, Arabella) exceeded local varieties by Septoria tritici leaf Septoria damage by 1.6...6.1 %, and the same susceptibility to stem rust Puccinia graminis 3.0...4.8 %. Arabella variety was the best in most structural indicators of yield: the number of grains - 35.8 pcs, weight of grains from 25 plants - 31.3 g, weight of 1000 grains - 39.2 g. The varieties Aviada, Grenada, Arabella, Goplana (3.2...3.6 t/ha) stood out in terms of yield, exceeding the other varieties by 0.2...0.6 t/ha. Gluten and protein content were lower in most foreign varieties compared with domestic ones by 3...8 % and 1...3 % respectively.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology
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