
Gimaltdinov Il'dus1,Ziganshin Bulat2,Galiev Ilgiz2,Dmitriev Andrey,Muhametshin Al'bert1,Gricenko Aleksandr3


1. FGBOU VO «Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet»

2. Kazan State Agrarian University

3. FGAOU VO «Yuzhno-Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet"


The research was carried out in order to develop a mathematical model and a diagnostic complex to determine the residual life of the rotor bearings of hammer crushers. Residual life information is essential for proactive maintenance and to prevent equipment crashes. To achieve this goal, Kazan State Agrarian University (Republic of Tatarstan) carried out calibration studies of the dependence of the diagnostic parameters of vibration on the value of the radial clearances of the bearings. 3610 bearings with different radial clearances (0.02 mm, 0.08 mm, 0.13 mm, 0.2 mm, 0.27 mm) were alternately installed on the rotor of the KD-2 hammer mill, from the drive pulley side and from the fan side) and recorded the vibration parameters. The information was read using a piezoelectric sensor. Signal processing was performed using a VVM-201 vibrometer. The results of mathematical processing of these data are presented in earlier publications. To determine the change in the value of the radial clearance from the operating time in hours, retrospective studies were carried out directly in the agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan: “Shaimurzinskoe agricultural enterprise named after A.Sh. Abdreev” of Drozhzhanovskiy region, JSC “Kiyatskoe”of Buinskiy region, the agricultural production complex “Ural”of Kukmorskiy region, etc. The average operating time of the bearings of the rotor of the hammer-type KD-2 forage grinder before the onset of a pre-failure state on the drive side was 1900 ... 2000 hours, on the fan side - 2000 ... 2100 h. Based on the results of the research, the values of the radial clearances and vibration parameters of the rolling bearings of the rotor of hammer crushers were experimentally established, the regularities of the change in the radial clearance of the rolling bearings of the rotor of hammer crushers were revealed depending on the operating time. The developed mathematical models for determining the radial clearance in the rotor bearings of the hammer crusher by vibration parameters and calculating the residual life are implemented in a diagnostic complex consisting of a commercially available VVM-201 vibrometer and a residual life attachment


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

Reference12 articles.

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