Additive Techniques – the third industrial revolution


Нагулин К.,Nagulin K.,Курынцев С.,Kuryntsev S.,Горунов А.,Gorunov A.


This paper reports two basic methods of additive techniques, a method of layer-by-layer agglomeration or metal powder melting and a method based on metal surfacing technique. A thorough description of the routine methods of additive techniques their advantages and disadvantages, a product range and field of product application are presented. Basic problems arising at the use of additive techniques and produce manufactured such as the certification of initial material, technology certification, production process control in its development, test procedure of parts manufactured are touched upon. The peculiarities of behavior of blanks obtained through additive techniques at further technological operations, for example, at laser welding are described. Basic trends in researches carried out by leading scientists in the field mentioned are emphasized.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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