1. Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
2. Saint-Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
The relevance of the research topic is determined by the high stress level of the work activities of employees of internal affairs bodies and especially heads of departments, who bear a large burden of responsibility both for their subordinates and for the success and efficiency of the department as a whole. The main goal of this study is to study changes in stress resistance, coping behavior strategies and career orientations of heads of internal affairs bodies with different length of service in a leadership position in conditions of highly stressful work activities. To achieve the goal of the study, 276 heads of internal affairs bodies were examined, divided into three groups according to length of service in a leadership position. The main psychodiagnostic tools were the “Prognoz-2” method for studying neuropsychic stability, the SRRSYu scale for assessing stress resistance and social adaptation, the SACS method for studying leading coping behavior strategies, and the “Career Anchors” questionnaire. According to the results of the study, a decrease in the stress resistance of heads of internal affairs bodies was established when they reach more than 10 years of service in a leadership position; there is also an increase in professionalism, independence and confidence in their actions, while at the same time a decrease in reliance on the social environment and the desire to maintain the current situation. Managers with a high intensity of professional stress have a predominant focus on work activity and the stability of their official position to the detriment of other areas of life, with a decrease in reliance on the social environment, which causes a decrease in stress resistance and an increase in the level of professional stress and neuropsychic tension. The results obtained indicate the need for targeted psychological work with heads of internal affairs bodies with more than 10 years of service, aimed at improving social adaptation and correcting career orientations in order to reduce the level of professional stress and neuropsychic tension.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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