A psychodiagnostic model for assessing the propensity to political volunteering


Petrov Vladislav1


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


The article is devoted to the substantiation of psychodiagnostically significant predictors and tools for evaluating the success of volunteer activity. The subject of the study was a model for assessing the propensity for political volunteering. The aim of the study is to develop a diagnostically significant model for assessing the propensity to political volunteering, implementing it in a questionnaire of the same name with subsequent psychometric verification. The methodology of scientific research is based on axiological, subjective-personal, acmeological, humanistic and activity-based approaches in psychology. At different stages of scientific research, the following methods were used: semantic content analysis, analysis of products of activity (participation in socio-political movements), expert survey, psychological testing (V.E. Petrov's questionnaire), self-assessment. The total volume of the empirical sample was 207 people (including 21 experts and 186 volunteers). Mathematical and statistical data processing involved the calculation of descriptive statistics, correlation, factor and regression analyses, which were implemented in the MS Excel and SPSS 13.0 for Windows statpacks. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that, based on factor analysis, eight predictors of successful volunteering have been identified: 1) «Patriotism»; 2) «Decency»; 3) «Sense of justice»; 4) «Responsibility»; 5) «Altruism»; 6) «Social engagement»; 7) «Passion for volunteering»; 8) «Political activity», forming an integral psychodiagnostically significant personality model of a successful volunteer. A regression model of a comprehensive assessment of the propensity to political volunteering has been built. The obtained results can be used in the activities of various political forces and socio-political movements, being the basis for applied psychodiagnostics – in the selection of volunteers, a comprehensive psychological study of their personality, optimization of the training process of future or current volunteers.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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