Application of Training Technology in the Development of Key Competencies of Management Personnel


Balganova E.1,Andreeva E.2


1. Siberian Institute of Management, Branch of RANEPA

2. Siberian Institute of Management - branch of RANEPA


The article is devoted to the application of training technologies in the development of key competencies of management personnel. Based on the generalization of domestic and foreign studies, the essence, structure and modern models of key competencies of managerial personnel are presented. The article offers an approach to the development and implementation of the author's training program aimed at the development of these competencies. The authors paid special attention to determining the level of results achieved by the training participants, as well as evaluating its effectiveness. A program for evaluating the effectiveness of the use of training technologies in the system of developing key competencies of management personnel is also proposed. The practical significance of this program lies in the fact that its use makes it possible to increase the accuracy and reliability of evaluating the effectiveness of training activities and thereby create conditions for improving the effectiveness of personnel development management.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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