Cognitive analysis of the personality of a politician by the example of M.N. Saakashvili


Bardina K.1,Il'ichev A.1,Moiseenko K.1,Kurylev K.2


1. Rossiyskiy universitet druzhby narodov

2. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


For many years, the figure of Mikhail Nikolayevich Saakashvili evoked both positive and negative ratings of his political activity among the other world leaders. This ambiguous attitude towards the former Georgian leader cannot be unnoticed, so it seems interesting to us to study the personality of the former Georgian president. The main goal of the work was to analyze the political and psychological portrait of Mikhail Nikolayevich Saakashvili, in particular, how certain features of cognitive characteristics influenced the formation of the former leader of the Republic of Georgia as an individual, as well as her political decisions that influenced the country's external and internal course. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the use of certain methods of cognitive analysis, namely: operational coding and biography, coupled with the method of content analysis, in order to identify the interdependence of Saakashvili’s behavior in the political arena and its psychological characteristics built up over his life's journey. As the main result of the study, we can name a number of identified psychological traits of Mikhail Nikolaevich, directly affecting not only his life path in general, but also his political career in particular.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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