The state of civil solidarity in urban and rural areas of Southern Russia


Rusiya N.1,Rakachev D.1


1. Kuban State University


At the moment, the task is to scientifically comprehend successful methods and technologies for updating civil solidarity in the context of social disorganization of society and the search for unifying grounds for the country's citizens. Mobilization of community resources at the local level in conditions of heterogeneity of socio-economic and socio-cultural space is possible only through the practice of civil solidarity built on the basis of civic identity. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe geopolitical, socio-economic, political-legal and socio-cultural factors that influence the formation of civil solidarity in urban and rural areas of the regions of Southern Russia, as well as formats for including residents in solidarity practices. We have studied rural and urban areas of the regions of the South of Russia (Krasnodar Territory, Republic of Crimea, Republic of Adygea) in order to characterize the entire set of factors influencing the formation of civil solidarity in the territories of Russia. The choice of the object of study is determined by a wide range of destabilizing, polarizing factors that are currently being recorded in the Southern Federal District. Transcripts of 45 expert interviews (15 experts from each selected region of the Southern Federal District) and the results of a questionnaire survey (969 respondents in 3 regions) were used as an empirical basis. The study identifies and describes the most significant factors in the formation of civil solidarity: institutional, value-based, external challenges and threats, the mobilization potential of residents of the territory, formats of interaction in the existing settlement structure and the leadership factor.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Engineering

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