The connection between the processes of digitalization and projectification of society


Polekhin Dmitrii1,Jumaev Ezizkhan1,Tsybulya Darya1,Khalimon Ekaterina2


1. FGBOU VO Gosudarstvennyy universitet upravleniya

2. State University of Management


In recent years, the projectification of society has received increasing attention in researches. Stemming from the projectification of the economy with a multitude of project-based companies that rely on projects as a form of structuring tasks, projects are also playing an increasingly important role at the societal level. Many companies, implementing projects with high corporate social responsibility, must comply with the requirements for project activities established by law and standards. The position that “project society has arrived and is continuously developing” is supported by the fact that an increasing number of undertakings that were otherwise named or structured are now implemented in the form of projects. The projectification of society can be seen through the lenses of sociology and organization theory and projects can be defined as a complex, self-organizing network of a disparate group of people who interact for a relatively short period of time. Also, innovation and technological progress have a huge impact on changes in the ways of society, various spheres of life, and especially in economic activity. The rapid development of digital technologies encourages a global change in approaches to doing business, and also destroys already established traditions and habits. Thus, there is a new industrial revolution, which is caused by many factors and is currently under development. This article discusses the intermediate results of the forth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), the processes of digitalization and design in various spheres of life. It is also important that the authors tried to answer an important question – how these processes are interconnected and affect each other.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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