
Yakhin Ildar,Gabitov Ranis,Hismatullin Mars1,Trofimov Nikolay2,Gabbasov Ilfat2


1. FGBOU VO «Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet»

2. Kazan State Agrarian University


Corn is a valuable food and technical crop and almost all its parts are used in different branches of industry which cannot do without corn grains and pulp and paper mills use its leaves and stems. In addition, the crop has important agronomic importance in controlling field weeds. It is one of the most important cereal crops in world agriculture. As a high-yielding crop, it plays an important role in fodder production. A powerful reserve for increasing corn yields is mineral fertilizers, as well as the widespread introduction of new zoned varieties and hybrids of corn into production. This article presents the influence of organic and mineral fertilizers with macro-, micro-, complex fertilizers and growth regulators on corn yield and production. Sufficient nutrients are necessary to obtain high yields. Various growth-promoting substances are also used in modern agricultural practice. They improve seed germination and germination energy, accelerate plant growth, plant development and increase yield. Using special mixtures of fertilizers for corn concentrates all the necessary complexes of nutrients. The necessary complex of nutrients is applied in one step, which reduces the unevenness of fertilization. Spraying of combined fertilizers containing microelements and growth regulators before sowing increases plant resistance to adverse weather conditions. The use of combined compositions of NPK fertilizers allows the development of resource-saving systems and reduces the cost of fertilizers.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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