Modeling and computer visualization of the process of sound waves passing and scattering in a lightweight soundproof panel with a corrugated diamond-shaped structure


Asminin Viktor1,Druzhinina Elena1,Sazonova Svetlana2


1. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

2. Voronezh State Technical University


Acoustic screens used at industrial enterprises for noise reduction and creation of comfortable working conditions are considered. It is proposed to use a new design of a portable lightweight soundproof panel with a corrugated diamond-shaped structure. The results of mathematical modeling of the process of sound transmission and propagation in a portable lightweight soundproof panel are presented. Modeling of sound propagation in the studied medium was performed by using a mesh model with concentrated parameters. The mathematical model is a system of differential equations, the solution of which makes it possible to determine the mechanical behavior of the system based on the specified parameters. The Runge-Kutta method of the second order was used for the numerical implementation of the mathematical model. An analytical formula is obtained for the nodes in the design scheme depending on the parameters of the sound-proofing panel under study. The developed model, due to its versatility, allows us to model the propagation of sound with the most diverse characteristics. Three types of sounds were selected for the main computer experiments: sinusoidal, single pulse of straight-angle shape, single pulse of Gaussian shape. The calculation of the characteristics of sound absorption is performed. An algorithm for the passage of sound through a soundproof panel has been developed. The initial and boundary conditions and assumptions of the model are given. The software implementation of the model has been performed. The results of computer modeling are present-ed and analyzed, proving the effective sound absorption of the proposed portable lightweight soundproof panel.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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