Simulation of the behavior of field-effect transistors when exposed to radiation


Litvinov Nikolay1,Solodilov Maksim1,Plotnikov Aleksey2,Stoyanov Sergey Vital'evich2,Lapshin Artem3,Ryazancev Roman4


1. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

2. AO "Roselektronika"

3. AO "Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut priborov"

4. AO "VZPP-S"


The paper deals with the behavior of field-effect transistors under the influence of radiation. The structure of tunnel field-effect transistors, the principle of operation, various effects from exposure to ionization radiation from outer space, and the results of experimental studies of resistance are presented. Field-effect transistors based on single-layer materials such as graphene and MoS2 are also considered. The behavior of field-effect transistors based on graphene is simulated. The paper presents current-voltage characteristics before and after irradiation, at positive and negative voltage at the transistor gate, etc., the analysis of which showed that there were significant changes in the electrical characteristics of transistors and the surface morphology of a single-layer material. The appearance of defects is associated with the heating of the material in the center of the particle track. Similarly, the simulation of the behavior of transistors based on nanotubes, when exposed to radiation, single events appear, was carried out.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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