Development of algorithms and programs for the analysis of electrical characteristics BIS


Yagodkin A.1,Zolnikov V.1,Skvortsova Tatyana1,Achkasov A.1,Kuznecov Sergey1,Makarenko F.1


1. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


Modern mathematical models for automatic analysis of electrical characteristics of integrated circuits are considered. The requirements for the analysis programs are formulated. A comparative analysis of machine methods for calculating integrated circuits is carried out in terms of their accuracy, RAM volumes and calculation time. The features of the development of modern automation tools for designing integrated circuits are considered. One of the main tasks of designing an integrated circuit is a schematic analysis, which must be carried out both at the preliminary stage and after the development of the integrated circuit topology. However, it is possible to identify the main re-quirements that a modern analysis program must meet: reliability - stable calculation of a wide class of electronic circuits, obtaining solutions even for poorly conditioned tasks; high performance - this requirement is especially important when calculating BIS, in tasks of multivariate analysis, such as statistical analysis, and optimization; low costs of machine memory and expansion of the maximum permissible complexity of the analyzed circuits; flexibility, the possibility of making changes to the program, in particular, the replacement of mathematical models of circuit components, the introduction of new models, the improvement of the computational algorithm, the inclusion of the pro-gram in more complex programs, etc.; the availability of convenient input and output of initial information.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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