Simulation of a possible situation in case of fire at facilities with a massive presence of people


Sazonova Svetlana1,Epifanov Evgeniy2,Asminin Viktor3,Mozgovoy Nikolay1,Osipov Aleksandr1,Druzhinina Elena3,Korablin Sergey1


1. Voronezh State Technical University

2. Voronezh State Forestry University named after G F Morozov

3. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


The article analyzes fires in the Russian Federation, which are a complex physical phenomenon in conjunction with the physical features of the objects under consideration, on which the fire occurred. From the point of view of solving an engineering problem, a possible variant of the development of fires in a shopping and entertainment center is considered. It has been established that, despite a significant difference in the quantitative ratio, fires at objects with a massive stay of people, in comparison with fires at other objects, simultaneously affect a larger number of people, as a result of which they can have much more tragic consequences. As a result of the analysis carried out on the study of objects with a massive stay of people, in our case, at the proposed object of extinguishing a fire and carrying out emergency rescue operations, it can be noted that at the time of the fire there were quite a lot of people at the protection object. In this paper, when calculating the provision of resources for fire departments when extinguishing a fire using the example of the object under study, a mathematical model is proposed related to the structural model, where the object is represented as a system with its device and functioning mechanism. A scheme has been developed for the alignment of forces and means at the time of localization of the fire in accordance with the chosen scenario for the development of the fire. Modeling of a possible situation in case of fire was carried out on the example of the Passage shopping and entertainment center in Voronezh.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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