Capability Study of Cost Estimating Models for High-Technology Software Projects


Мясников Максимилиан1,Myasnikov Maksimilian2


1. Санкт-Петербургский государственный экономический университет

2. Saint Petersburg State University of Economics


According to the analytical companies, software market is the most developing segment of the IT-market. Every year the number of software projects increases, including projects for hi-tech applied areas. In the article the questions of cost estimation of complex software projects are considered. The history of development of scientific cost estimating is considered, the most popular parametrical models are studied: SLIM, COCOMO II, FPA, PRICE-S and SEER-SEM. The author carried out the review of the selected techniques, analyzed their pros and cons and made the comparative analysis by the set criteria. Special attention is paid to the question of applicability of the considered parametrical models for cost estimating of the complex custom software products.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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