Тишин ,Tishin Denis,Чижикова ,Chizhikova Nelli,Журавлева ,Zhuravleva Irina,Чугунов ,Chugknov Roman
The goal of the study is to relate features of seasonal radial growth of Pinus sylvestris from the Sredniy island of the Keretsky archipelago (the White Sea, N 66.1724 E 33.3876), to the seasonal weather conditions. The measurement of air temperature and precipitation amount was performed by data loggers and by local weather station mounted in 2014. The ecosystem studied is classified as a dry pine forest with Vaccinium myrtillus and green mosses in the herb layer. The microcores of seasonal radial growth were extracted from 10 selected dominant trees in 2014 every 7 days with 5 cm shift.
Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov
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3 articles.