Peculiarities of Professional Area of University Students in the Era of Digitalization of Education


Kagosyan A.1,Popova O.1


1. The International Innovative University


In the digital era, the success of the professional development of future specialists in the process of obtaining higher education largely depends on their professional orientation (PN). Despite the significant interest in the subject of the study, the problem of identifying the factors that affect PN remains poorly understood. The purpose of the study is to determine the factors of the formation of PN of students enrolled in training and retraining programs, and the features of PN in the digital era. The article reveals the content and structure of PN of future specialists in the era of digitalization. According to the results of the empirical research, the relationship of students' PN with indicators of meaningful life orientations, motives for choosing a profession and training was revealed; the relationship between students' life-meaning orientations and indicators of motives for choosing a profession and training at the stage of digitalization of education. The factors influencing the personal condition and the factors of the formation of students' personal condition, who are trained according to the programs of training and retraining of specialists, have been determined. As a result of empirical research, it was concluded that negative influence on the formation of PN is created by factors caused by various life circumstances, lack of independence of decisions in choosing a profession, low reflection of life goals, future prospects, rigidity of volitional and personal qualities, internal conflict in the structure of personality relationships, low pleasure training and the like. At the same time, the level of PN is significantly higher among students who receive a second higher education and who understand its importance at the stage of digitalization of education.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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