Gorecha M. Yu.,Demianchuk N. R.
Introduction. Pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of diabetic retinopathy are related to the toxic effect of hyperglycemia on the development of oxidative stress with subsequent activation of stress-sensitive systems
The aim of the study. To find out the presence of correlations in patients with diabetic retinopathy against the background of decompensated diabetes
Research methods. A clinical and laboratory examination of 70 diabetic retinopathy patients with decompensated diabetes mellitus was carried out. In order to identify correlations, the coefficient of linear correlation |r| was determined between all studied indicators
Results and discussion. The analysis of these correlations indicates the formation of a block of strong correlations of peripheral blood leukocytes (except lymphocytes) and natural killers with indicators of lipid metabolism and pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Strong correlations of T-lymphocyte subpopulations with indicators of carbohydrate metabolism and non-atherogenic fraction of lipoproteins were revealed.
In the analysis of the correlations of the B-link of immunity, a positive strong correlation of the relative content of B-lymphocytes (CD19+) with CIC (r = 0.96, p < 0.05) was revealed, which indicates the dependence of the occurrence of type III hypersensitivity reactions with indicators of humoral immunity.
Probable positive correlations of pro-inflammatory cytokines with atherogenic fractions of lipids and glucose, negative correlation of TNF-α with the acute phase marker C-peptide were revealed
Conclusions. When analyzing the correlations of the studied indicators in patients with decompensated diabetes, 13 probable strong positive and 9 probable strong negative correlations were established).
The increase in the pro-inflammatory component is manifested in the correlations of peripheral blood leukocytes (except lymphocytes) and natural killers with indicators of lipid metabolism and pro-inflammatory cytokines, strong correlations of T-lymphocyte subpopulations with indicators of carbohydrate metabolism and the non-atherogenic fraction of lipoproteins, type III hypersensitivity reactions with indicators of humoral immunity , pro-inflammatory cytokines with atherogenic fractions of lipids and glucose, negative relationship of TNF-α with acute phase marker C-peptide
Civic organization "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Educational Institute" (CLADEI)
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