
Porokhnavets L. Ye.


In modern conditions, an extraordinary epidemic situation with tuberculosis has developed, which requires the improvement of methods of detection and diagnosis of this disease in order to control infection, morbidity and reduce the epidemiological factors of its spread. Patients who are diagnosed with tuberculosis in a timely manner pose a danger to the environment, and the effectiveness of chemotherapy methods decreases. One patient who secretes mycobacterium tuberculosis can infect 10-15 people during the year, and under favorable conditions for the dispersal of the pathogen, epidemic outbreaks occur, affecting 100 or more people. The problem of timely and effective diagnosis of this pathology is an extremely urgent and priority direction in the system of anti-tuberculosis measures, requiring the doctor to have knowledge of modern research methods. The aim of the study - generalization of modern methods of laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis for timely detection of the disease, its stage, effectiveness of drug treatment. Laboratory diagnostics ensures the fulfillment of the main task of diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis - detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis in a patient.


Civic organization "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Educational Institute" (CLADEI)

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