Investigations of the impact of the magnetic field on the process of formation of scaling in thermal devices


,Ismailov Oybek,Khurmamatov Abdugaffor, ,Ismoilov Mirzaakbar, ,Auesbaev Alisher, ,Utegenov Usnatdin,


Water is used as working fluids in hydro and thermal power engineering, as well as in heat supply and cooling systems. In the process of heating water in water-heating boilers, scale forms due to the precipitation of crystals of mineral additives and mineral salts. Over time, the accumulation of scale with low thermal conductivity leads to a decrease in the internal diameter of the pipes. Consequently, the flow of liquid is hindered, the hydraulic resistance increases and the thermal conductivity of the device decreases. The scale layer is usually removed by acid washing of the internal heat exchange surfaces or mechanical washing. However, both methods involve the use of a substantial amount of chemicals and result in highly polluted wastewater. In addition, it significantly increases operating costs. The article uses statistical methods for processing experimental data, and generally accepted methods for conducting experiments to study the patterns of scale formation using control and measuring instruments and accurate methods for measuring technological parameters. The main purpose of the paper is to study the influence of a constant magnetic field on the formation of mineral salts deposits on the surface of walls of thermal appliances used in chemical, oil refining, and food processing industry. The influence of a constant magnetic field on the formation of scale on the surface of the walls of the heating element in a water heater has been established. According to the results of an experiment aimed at preventing the accumulation of mineral salt deposits on the surface of the heating element in a water heating boiler under the influence of a magnetic field, the amount of mineral salt precipitate deposited on such surface can be reduced up to 5.2 times. Consequently, the prevention of mineral scale formation is achieved, eliminating the need to use expensive chemicals. The stable operation of the devices contributes to enhanced thermal efficiency. Under the influence of a magnetic field, scale formation decreases on average by a factor of 5, as long as the water temperature does not exceed 70°C. However, if the temperature rises above 90°C, the scale formation rate gradually increases.


The Oil and Gas Institute - National Research Institute







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