Neural networks in the research of human capital as a source of economic security of the Russian Federation


Letiagina Elena11ORCID,Perova Valentina2


1. the Leading and National Research Nizhigorodsky State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky

2. NNGU im. N.I. Lobachevskogo


According to the national goal of preserving the health and well-being of the population of the Russian Federation, neural network modeling of the dynamics of the current state of organizational and economic efficiency of acyclic sports certifying human capital, which is one of the significant foundations of innovative development and guarantees of national, including economic, security of the state, was carried out. The data of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation for the period 2014—2020 are considered and investigated. on the development of acyclic sports in order to improve the efficiency of organizational and economic activities in the sports field, increase the life expectancy of the Russian population, increase human capital and support the socio-economic growth of the Russian Federation. Cluster analysis was performed using a new promising methodological approach — neural networks, which make up one of the sections of artificial intelligence. Data clustering was carried out on the basis of neural networks — self-organizing Kohonen maps for 6 indicators certifying the evolution of acyclic sports, using information technology. The features of the development of acyclic sports as one of the components of the process of human capital formation, which were also influenced by the great challenges of the modern stage of civilization development, are determined. The different level of organizational and economic activity in the sphere of sports reserve training allowed us to obtain a ranking of acyclic sports in four clusters. The composition and characteristics of each cluster are presented. The conducted research using neural network technologies made it possible to assess the development of the sport under study in the Russian Federation. The results of the study contain practical significance in the implementation of a comparative analysis of the development of acyclic sports. They can be taken into account in the strategic planning of the development of the sports sphere in the context of an increase in the quality of human capital related to the dominant internal factors of the socio-economic potential of the Russian Federation.


Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia


General Medicine

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