1. Chief Scientific Consulting of BioLabor Biophysical- and Laboratories Services Ltd,
Budapest, Hungary
2. Pro Deo State University, Chairman of BioLabor Biophysical- and Laboratories Services Ltd,
Budapest, Hungary
3. National Institute for Medical Rehabilitation,
Budapest, Hungary
4. NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine, Lessons Learned Branch Acting Branch Chief,
Budapest, Hungary
5. Police Lieutenant-Colonel, Antiterror Unit, Branch Chief of Training Master Trainer of Special Units,
Budapest, Hungary
6. Hungarian National Police and Provost Duties, Armed Marshalls Training Center (ORFK-RSZKK) Marksman- and Tactical Units Training Department Chief,
Budapest, Hungary
7. Hungarian Military Hospital, Budapest, Hungary; Assistant-head of Ambulance Department; Multinational Forces and Observers Sinai Mission-surgeon (from 2000 to 2001); NATO Skopje HQ surgeon (2003)
8. President of International Bodyguard and Security Services Association, Executive President and Professor of International Budo Academy,
Budapest, Hungary