
Anciferov S.1,Lyutenko A.1,Sychev E.1,Sivachenko L.2


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov

2. Belarusian-Russian University


In this paper the two principal design methods applying in industry such as industrial design and computer-aided design and differences between them were studied. Design technology applying a generative design was considered. The most popular soft ware allowing a generative design realization is a Siemens Software – CAD/CAE-system Solid Edge with a wide range of tools for designing and analysis of new products. Procedure of generative design realization was carried out to determine an optimal geometrical shape of product taking into account specified boundary conditions and load using a CAD/CAE-system Solid Edge. The main goal of generative design is a rational using of source material for a final products manufacturing. When realization of generative design the preliminary analysis of loaded console to refine the values of strength and stiffness took place. Also, with the tool "Generative analysis" the generative analysis for geometrical model was made. As a result was two versions of generative analysis meeting a different requirements of customers. The main tendencies of generative analysis application for designing of a new product with less production and release time were presented.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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