1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
The purpose of the work is to analyze technical solutions used to improve the efficiency of hot water boilers for waste combustion. As a result of the analysis of available design solutions for low-power water heating boilers, in which waste is burned in a fixed bed, their main disadvantages were identified: low combustion temperature; ineffective heat transfer from combustion products to the coolant; contamination of flues and heating surfaces; incomplete combustion of fuel; the impossibility of accurately regulating the combustion process, which leads to the formation of a large amount of harmful emissions and a decrease in the heat output and efficiency of the boiler. It is proposed to install a flue after firing the boiler, in which the gases will remain for more than 2 seconds and the organic harmful substances contained in the combustion products will be completely destroyed. To determine the passage time and select the optimal design of the gas duct, a numerical simulation of the movement of the gas flow was carried out using the developed numerical model implemented in the ANSYS Fluent software package. To ensure uniformity of the gas flow in the gas duct, options with different heights of the window between the firebox and the gas duct and the installation of a dividing partition in the gas duct to organize two-pass gas movement were considered. The best results were obtained for a horizontal flue. For further design development and search for ways to increase the residence time of gas in the gas duct, the most effective option with a horizontal gas duct was chosen.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
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