
Vysotskaya M.1,Kindeev O.N.1,Kurlykina A.1,Kabalin M.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


Bitumen is a complex, multicomponent colloidal dispersed system based on the interaction of asphaltenes (phases) and maltenes (medium). In the absence of external influence, such a system is in a relatively stable state. Any external phenomenon causes an equilibrium state of the colloid and initiates Ysol aggregation, accompanied by a qualitative change in properties. Thus, a quantitative change in the phase of a colloid entails a qualitative change in its state. One of the possible options for internal control of structure formation and bitumen index is the application of rheological rules. In the work, results were obtained for modified road bitumen with the additive "Viskogel" in a concentration residue of 1-5%. A certain influence of additives on the rheological characteristics of bitumen. The nutritional amount of additives, which positively affects the properties of bitumen, has been established. Obtained data on the results of testing on the concentration of the contact angle of wetting bitumen samples with a special concentration of additives enriched with aging procedures. These checks ensure system stability for 48 hours. Based on the knowledge about the limitedness and dispersity of bitumen, a model for the participation of a rheological additive in the asphaltene-maltene system is proposed.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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