
Onishchuk V.1,Ageeva S.1,Doroganov E.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


The article presents the results of studies aimed at establishing the possibility of obtaining low-melting nephritized glazes for majolica with a glass transition temperature of not more than 1000 ° C in the system of materials "quartz sand - ulexite - soda - feldspar concentrate". A rational choice of raw materials will ensure the production of slips that are able to maintain their design chemical composition during the application of majolica to the shard, therefore, provide the specified chemical composition of the glaze and contribute to obtaining the required physical, mechanical and chemical properties of the glaze layer. The design of the material compositions of the charges and the chemical compositions of the glaze coatings was carried out using the mathematical planning of the experiment, which significantly reduced the time and material costs for research. The parameters that determine the quality of slips and glaze coatings have been established, their most optimal values have been identified, which ensure the production of acceptable glaze coatings, and the ways to optimize work in the studied direction have been determined. As a result, the fundamental possibility of obtaining low-melting nephritized glazes in the system of materials "quartz sand - ulexite - soda - feldspar concentrate, capable of transforming into a glassy state at temperatures not exceeding 1000 ºC, has been proved.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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