1. Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University
Cycle and position drives are the basis for automation of discrete manufacturing. They are usually used to implement loading, orientation and transport operations in process equipment, as well as in industrial robotics and mechatronic modules for various purposes. The main characteristics of such drives in many cases are the values of displacements and motion times. The mathematical model of drives for typical laws of motion characterized by acceleration and deceleration times takes into account thermal losses in a DC motor with independent excitation. The study was carried out in order to determine the efficiency of optimizing the motion law by maximum power consumption while taking into account the losses in the motor. Two laws of change of acceleration of the electric motor were modelled: rectangular and triangular. For each law both situations are considered: movement with and without a section of uniform motion. Studies of models in Simulink environment allowed to establish the relationship between energy consumption, power and the law of motion. The dependence between voltage and current consumption on the type of motion law was obtained. Energy losses in the electric motor do not exceed 2% of the total power consumption at the prevailing inertial load, and 44 % at the active resistance torque equal to the nominal one. It is found that the efficiency of optimization of the law of motion, in comparison with known studies, at inertial load increased from 44 % to 47-48 %, and at application of active torque decreased from 44 % to 9-10 %.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
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