Inclusive cross section measurements in final states with and without protons for charged-current νμ -Ar scattering in MicroBooNE


Abratenko P.1,Alterkait O.1,Andrade Aldana D.2,Arellano L.3,Asaadi J.4,Ashkenazi A.5,Balasubramanian S.6,Baller B.6,Barr G.7,Barrow D.7,Barrow J.895,Basque V.6,Benevides Rodrigues O.2,Berkman S.610,Bhanderi A.3,Bhat A.11,Bhattacharya M.6,Bishai M.12,Blake A.13,Bogart B.14ORCID,Bolton T.15,Book J. Y.16,Brunetti M. B.17,Camilleri L.18,Cao Y.3,Caratelli D.19,Cavanna F.6,Cerati G.6,Chappell A.17,Chen Y.20,Conrad J. M.8,Convery M.20,Cooper-Troendle L.21,Crespo-Anadón J. I.22,Cross R.17,Del Tutto M.6,Dennis S. R.23,Detje P.23,Devitt A.13,Diurba R.24,Djurcic Z.25,Dorrill R.2,Duffy K.7,Dytman S.21,Eberly B.26,Englezos P.27,Ereditato A.116,Evans J. J.3,Fine R.28,Finnerud O. G.3,Foreman W.2,Fleming B. T.11,Franco D.11,Furmanski A. P.9,Gao F.19,Garcia-Gamez D.29,Gardiner S.6,Ge G.18,Gollapinni S.28,Gramellini E.3,Green P.7,Greenlee H.6,Gu L.13,Gu W.12,Guenette R.3,Guzowski P.3,Hagaman L.11,Hen O.8,Hilgenberg C.9,Horton-Smith G. A.15,Imani Z.1,Irwin B.9,Ismail M. S.21,James C.6,Ji X.30,Jo J. H.12,Johnson R. A.31,Jwa Y.-J.18,Kalra D.18,Kamp N.8,Karagiorgi G.18,Ketchum W.6,Kirby M.126,Kobilarcik T.6,Kreslo I.24,Leibovitch M. B.19,Lepetic I.27,Li J.-Y.32,Li K.33,Li Y.12,Lin K.27,Littlejohn B. R.2,Liu H.12,Louis W. C.28,Luo X.19,Mariani C.34,Marsden D.3,Marshall J.17,Martinez N.15,Martinez Caicedo D. A.35,Martynenko S.12,Mastbaum A.27,Mawby I.13,McConkey N.36,Meddage V.15,Micallef J.81,Miller K.11,Mogan A.37,Mohayai T.638,Mooney M.37,Moor A. F.23,Moore C. D.6,Mora Lepin L.3,Moudgalya M. M.3,Mulleriababu S.24,Naples D.21,Navrer-Agasson A.3,Nayak N.12,Nebot-Guinot M.32,Nowak J.13,Oza N.18,Palamara O.6,Pallat N.9,Paolone V.21,Papadopoulou A.25,Papavassiliou V.39,Parkinson H. B.32,Pate S. F.39,Patel N.13,Pavlovic Z.6,Pellot Jimenez A.14,Piasetzky E.5,Pophale I.13,Qian X.12,Raaf J. L.6,Radeka V.12,Rafique A.25,Reggiani-Guzzo M.323,Ren L.39,Rochester L.20,Rodriguez Rondon J.35,Rosenberg M.1,Ross-Lonergan M.28,Rudolf von Rohr C.24,Safa I.18,Scanavini G.33,Schmitz D. W.11,Schukraft A.6,Seligman W.18,Shaevitz M. H.18,Sharankova R.6,Shi J.23,Snider E. L.6,Soderberg M.40,Söldner-Rembold S.3,Spitz J.14,Stancari M.6,John J. St.6,Strauss T.6,Szelc A. M.32,Tang W.41,Taniuchi N.23,Terao K.20,Thorpe C.133,Torbunov D.12,Totani D.19,Toups M.6,Tsai Y.-T.20,Tyler J.15,Uchida M. A.23,Usher T.20,Viren B.12,Weber M.24,Wei H.42,White A. J.11,Wolbers S.6,Wongjirad T.1,Wospakrik M.6,Wresilo K.23,Wu W.621,Yandel E.19,Yang T.6,Yates L. E.6,Yu H. W.12,Zeller G. P.6,Zennamo J.6,Zhang C.12,


1. Tufts University

2. Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)

3. The University of Manchester

4. University of Texas

5. Tel Aviv University

6. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL)

7. University of Oxford

8. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

9. University of Minnesota

10. Michigan State University

11. University of Chicago

12. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)

13. Lancaster University

14. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

15. Kansas State University (KSU)

16. Harvard University

17. University of Warwick

18. Columbia University

19. University of California

20. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

21. University of Pittsburgh

22. Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas

23. University of Cambridge

24. Universität Bern

25. Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)

26. University of Southern Maine

27. Rutgers University

28. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)

29. Universidad de Granada

30. Nankai University

31. University of Cincinnati

32. University of Edinburgh

33. Yale University

34. Center for Neutrino Physics

35. South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT)

36. University College London

37. Colorado State University

38. Indiana University

39. New Mexico State University (NMSU)

40. Syracuse University

41. University of Tennessee

42. Louisiana State University


A detailed understanding of inclusive muon neutrino charged-current interactions on argon is crucial to the study of neutrino oscillations in current and future experiments using liquid argon time projection chambers. To that end, we report a comprehensive set of differential cross section measurements for this channel that simultaneously probe the leptonic and hadronic systems by dividing the channel into final states with and without protons. Measurements of the proton kinematics and proton multiplicity of the final state are also presented. For these measurements, we utilize data collected with the MicroBooNE detector from 6.4×1020 protons on target from the Fermilab booster neutrino beam at a mean neutrino energy of approximately 0.8 GeV. We present in detail the cross section extraction procedure, including the unfolding, and model validation that uses data to model comparisons and the conditional constraint formalism to detect mismodeling that may introduce biases to extracted cross sections that are larger than their uncertainties. The validation exposes insufficiencies in the overall model, motivating the inclusion of an additional data-driven reweighting systematic to ensure the accuracy of the unfolding. The extracted results are compared to a number of event generators and their performance is discussed with a focus on the regions of phase space that indicate the greatest need for modeling improvements. Published by the American Physical Society 2024



U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Science

High Energy Physics

Nuclear Physics

National Science Foundation

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung

Science and Technology Facilities Council

UK Research and Innovation

Royal Society

Fermi Research Alliance


American Physical Society (APS)

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