Comparison of sterile polyacrylate wound dressing with activated carbon cloth and a standard non-adhesive hydrocellular foam dressing with silver: a randomised controlled trial protocol


Probst Sebastian1,Saini Camille1,Skinner Monika Buehrer2


1. HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Geneva School of Health Sciences, Geneva

2. University of Zurich, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute, Zurich


Objective: Hard-to-heal wounds such as leg (LU) or diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) are slow healing, have a high recurrence rate and are associated with infection, smell and exudate. Current therapeutic approaches are multifaceted and focus on improving wound healing and preventing recurrences. Advanced wound dressings, especially super absorbent dressings are an important aspect of wound care, as hard-to-heal wounds tend to produce excessive amounts of exudate, which may contribute to maceration and excoriation, thus delaying wound healing. Additionally, excessive wound exudate is associated with malodour. Therefore, an important aspect of care is the management of exudate and odour. The use of effective advanced wound dressings is a promising strategy to achieve adequate absorption of wound exudate and malodour promoting wound healing. The aim of the current study is to determine whether there is a difference in wound size reduction between wounds dressed with either a sterile polyacrylate wound dressing with activated carbon cloth or a hydrocellular foam dressing with silver. Method: A randomised controlled trial with 248 participants in one wound care outpatient clinic is proposed. Randomisation will be concealed. The outcome assessor will be blinded to the group allocation of participants. Conclusion: This research project compares two wound dressings in an everyday care setting. Since the cost of hard-to-heal wounds to individuals, the economy and society is high, an evaluation of which wound dressing leads to a faster reduction of wound size and subsequent wound healing is an important issue/question for the individuals affected, their families, society and the health-care system.


Mark Allen Group


Nursing (miscellaneous),Fundamentals and skills







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