Effects of BCL11A Shmir-Induced Post-Transcriptional Silencing on Hemoglobin Polymer Inhibition in Single Red Blood Cells at Physiologic Oxygen Tension


De Souza Daniel C.123,Esrick Erica B.4,Hebert Nicolas56,Di Caprio Giuseppe178,Ciuculescu Marioara9,Morris Emily4,Armant Myriam9,Gonçalves Bronner P.10,Schonbrun Ethan1,Brendel Christian47,Wood David K.11,Bartolucci Pablo1213,Williams David A.974,Higgins John M.123


1. Center for Systems Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

2. Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

3. Department of Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

4. Dana-Farber/Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center, Boston, MA

5. Sickle cell referral center - UMGGR, University Paris-East Créteil, Henri Mondor University Hospitals, APHP, CRETEIL, France

6. Hôpital Henri Mondor, Etablissement Français du Sang, Créteil, France

7. Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

8. Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA

9. Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

10. Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom

11. Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

12. Laboratory of Excellence LABEX GRex, University Paris-East Créteil, IMRB, Créteil, France

13. Sickle cell referral center - UMGGR, University Paris-East Créteil, Henri Mondor University Hospitals, APHP, Créteil, France


Abstract Introduction Fetal hemoglobin (HbF) induction is a successful strategy for treating sickle cell disease. Higher levels of total HbF% are associated with better clinical outcomes, and a more uniform distribution of HbF across individual red blood cells (RBCs) is predicted to lead to better outcomes by inhibiting hemoglobin (Hb) polymerization in a higher fraction of individual RBCs. 1 Post-transcriptional silencing of BCL11A using lentivirus expression of a shRNA embedded in a microRNA architecture (shmiR) to re-activate γ-globin expression has been safe and demonstrated high levels of total HbF expression broadly distributed in red cells in a pilot clinical study (NCT 03282656). 2 We assessed the effects of BCL11A down-regulation on Hb polymer formation at the single-RBC level in 7 subjects in this trial (BCL) using novel assays of single-RBC Hb polymer content levels and single-RBC HbF. Methods Hb polymer was detected in individual RBCs using a previously published microfluidic system. 3 The system detects Hb polymer based on RBC morphology and on the principle that Hb polymer lowers RBC oxygen saturation in proportion to polymer concentration. 4,5 Single-RBC HbF mass was measured by flow cytometry using a previously published protocol. 6 These two measurements of distributions of single-RBC HbF mass and single-RBC Hb polymer were then integrated at the cell-population level to estimate the threshold of single-RBC HbF needed to inhibit formation of a detectable level of polymer as function of oxygen tension. Blood samples from BCL subjects (HbF% range 23 - 44, after stabilizing post-therapy) were compared to 14 hydroxyurea (HU) responsive patients (mean HbF% = 17, range 6 - 32), including 3 highly-responsive patients (HbF% = 25, 27, 31) as well as 4 individuals with sickle cell trait (AS). Results At 3.7% oxygen tension typical of the human microcirculation 7 and some regions of the central nervous system, 7 the typical BCL subject had detectable levels of Hb polymer in 52% (median) of RBCs vs. 66% for HU (p = 0.02) and 6% for AS (Figure 1A). At lower oxygen tensions of 1.7% typical of the bone marrow 7 or kidney medulla 7 BCL subjects had a polymerized RBC fraction of 68%, compared to 79% for HU (p<0.001) and 30% for AS. Fractions of RBC with polymer in BCL subjects stabilized about 3-6 months after treatment. By combining measurements of single-RBC HbF mass and single-RBC polymer at the population level, we estimated the threshold HbF mass or fraction required to inhibit detectable levels of polymer as a function of oxygen tension. We compared single-RBC HbF thresholds for the BCL cohort to the three HU high responders. The mean HbF threshold for polymerization inhibition estimated for the BCL cohort was lower (18%) than that for the HU high responders (25%) but was not statistically significant (p = 0.07) in this initial analysis. Conclusions BCL11A down-regulation in seven clinical trial subjects is associated with favorable distributions of single-RBC polymer at multiple physiologic oxygen tensions compared to HU. Future study is needed to determine whether these favorable Hb polymer distributions are simply a result of higher total HbF or also due to lower single-RBC HbF thresholds for polymer inhibition. References 1. Steinberg MH, Chui DHK, Dover GJ, Sebastiani P, Alsultan A. Fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia: a glass half full? Blood. 2014;123(4):481-485. 2. Esrick EB, Lehmann LE, Biffi A, et al. Post-Transcriptional Genetic Silencing of BCL11A to Treat Sickle Cell Disease. N. Engl. J. Med. 2021;384(3):205-215. 3. Di Caprio G, Schonbrun E, Gonçalves BP, et al. High-throughput assessment of hemoglobin polymer in single red blood cells from sickle cell patients under controlled oxygen tension. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2019;116(50):25236-25242. 4. Benesch RE, Edalji R, Kwong S, Benesch R. Oxygen affinity as an index of hemoglobin S polymerization: A new micromethod. Anal. Biochem. 1978;89(1):162-173. 5. Fabry ME, Desrosiers L, Suzuka SM. Direct intracellular measurement of deoxygenated hemoglobin S solubility. Blood. 2001;98(3):883-884. 6. Hebert N, Rakotoson MG, Bodivit G, et al. Individual red blood cell fetal hemoglobin quantification allows to determine protective thresholds in sickle cell disease. Am. J. Hematol. 2020;95(11):1235-1245. 7. Keeley TP, Mann GE. Defining physiological normoxia for improved translation of cell physiology to animal models and humans. Physiol. Rev. 2019;99(1):161-234. Figure 1 Figure 1. Disclosures Esrick: bluebird bio: Consultancy. Bartolucci: INNOVHEM: Other: Co-founder; F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Consultancy; Bluebird: Consultancy, Research Funding; Novartis: Consultancy, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Other: Lecture fees, Steering committee, Research Funding; GBT: Consultancy; Emmaus: Consultancy; Hemanext: Consultancy; AGIOS: Consultancy; Jazz Pharma: Other: Lecture fees; Fabre Foundation: Research Funding; Addmedica: Consultancy, Other: Lecture fees, Research Funding. Williams: Emerging Therapy Solutions: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Other: Chief Scientific Chair; Geneception: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Other: Scientific Advisory Board; BioMarin: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Other: Insertion Site Advisory Board; Novartis: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Other: Steering Committee, Novartis ETB115E2201 (eltrombopag in aplastic anemia). Advisory fees donated to NAPAAC.; Alerion Biosciences: Other: Co-founder (now licensed to Avro Bio, potential for future milestones/royalties); Beam Therapeutics: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Other: Scientific Advisory Board; Orchard Therapeutics: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Other: Membership on a safety advisory board (SAB): SAB position ended 05/20/2021. Co-founder , Patents & Royalties: Potential for future royalty/milestone income, X-SCID. Provided GMP vector for clinical trial, Research Funding; bluebird bio: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Other: Insertion Site Analysis Advisory Board, Patents & Royalties: BCH licensed certain IP relevant to hemoglobinopathies to bluebird bio. The current license includes the potential for future royalty/milestone income. Bluebird has indicated they will not pursue this as a clinical program and BCH is negotiating return of, Research Funding. Higgins: Danaher Diagnostics: Consultancy; Sebia, Inc.: Honoraria.


American Society of Hematology


Cell Biology,Hematology,Immunology,Biochemistry

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