Generally, big interaction networks keep the interaction records of actors over a certain period. With the rapid increase of these networks users, the demand for frequent subgraph mining on a large database is more and more intense. However, most of the existing studies of frequent subgraphs have not considered the temporal information of the graph. To fill this research gap, this article presents a novel temporal frequent subgraph-based mining algorithm (TFSBMA) using spark. TFSBMA employs frequent subgraph mining with a minimum threshold in a spark environment. The proposed algorithm attempts to analyze the temporal frequent subgraph (TFS) using a Frequent Subgraph Mining Based Using Spark (FSMBUS) method with a minimum support threshold and evaluate its frequency in a temporal manner. Furthermore, based on the FSMBUS results, the study also tries to compute TFS using an incremental update strategy. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can accurately and efficiently compute all the TFS with corresponding frequencies. In addition, we also apply the proposed algorithm on a real-world dataset having artificial time information that confirms the practical usability of the proposed algorithm.
Artificial Intelligence,Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,Human-Computer Interaction,Software