1. Sandia National Laboratories
2. University of New Mexico
3. Los Alamos National Laboratories
As clock speeds have stagnated, the number of cores in a node has been drastically increased to improve processor throughput. Most scalable system software was designed and developed for single-threaded environments. Multithreaded environments become increasingly prominent as application developers optimize their codes to leverage the full performance of the processor; however, these environments are incompatible with a number of assumptions that have driven scalable system software development. This paper will highlight a case study of this mismatch focusing on MPI message matching. MPI message matching has been designed and optimized for traditional serial execution. The reduced determinism in the order of MPI calls can significantly reduce the performance of MPI message matching, potentially overtaking time-per-iteration targets of many applications. Different proposed techniques attempt to address these issues and enable multithreaded MPI usage. These approaches highlight a number of tradeoffs that make adapting MPI message matching complex. This case study and its proposed solutions highlight a number of general concepts that need to be leveraged in the design of next generation scaleable system software.