Analysis of ECG Signals Recorded Using Different Stimuli from Patients in Intensive Care Unit: A Case Study


Altıntop Çiğdem Gülüzar,Latifoğlu Fatma,Yazar Mehmet Akif,Akın Aynur Karayol,İleri Ramis


Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are more difficult and complex areas of hospital as treatment and care. In these units, the patients are monitored continuously with a bedside monitor for respiration, O2 saturation and pulse information. However, this information, which is periodically noted on the patient observation papers, may not represent a definite diagnose/follow up about the patient's health condition in all times. Therefore, in order to assist the physician in these units where the diagnosis/follow up is important, attributes are extracted from ECG signals easy-to-obtain by using signal processing methods. ECG signals were obtained from 3 patients at different days. Attributes were analyzed statistically to see if the patient reacted to oral/touch stimuli and to monitor his / her health condition. As a result, it was possible to evaluate the coma patients' response to stimuli and to follow-up for improving physiological well-being using ECG signals.


Academic Perspective

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