1. Overview on the Content of Existing Learning Factories
2. Learning Factories for Research, Education, and Training
3. Becker, M., Spöttl, G., & Windelband, L. (2017). Berufsprofile für Industrie 4.0 weiterentwickeln. Erkenntnisse aus Deckungsanalysen am Beispiel des Ausbildungsprofils Mechatroniker/-in [Further Developing Occupational Profiles for Industry 4.0. Findings from Coverage Analyses Using the Example of the Mechatronics Technician Training Profile]. Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis (BWP), 46, 14-18.
4. Cedefop (2021). Vocational Education and Training in Germany: Short Description. Publications Office. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/329932
5. Comparative VET European research since the 1980s: accommodating changes in VET systems and labour markets