1. A Global Meta-Analysis of Grazing Impacts on Soil Health Indicators
2. Grassland Management Impact on Soil Degradation and Herbage Nutritional Value in a Temperate Humid Environment
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4. Tokozwayo, S., Thubela, T., Mthi, S., Nyangiwe, N., Khetani, T.L., Gulwa, U., Goni, S., Jansen, M., Qokweni, L. and Guza, B. (2021) Evaluation of Communal Rangeland Condition under the East Qriqualand Veld Type Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Applied Animal Husbandry and Rural Development, 14, 1-8.
5. Effects of Grazing Enclosures on Species Diversity, Phenology, Biomass, and Carrying Capacity in Borana Rangeland, Southern Ethiopia