Methodical Approach to Organisation of Transportation on Electric Bus Routes


Kudryshov M. A.1,Prokopenkov A. V.2,Ayriev R. S.1


1. Mosgortrans SUE [State Unitary Enterprise]

2. TAMA Association


When developing projects for introduction of electric buses into operation and determining the required infrastructure, it is necessary to justify the concept and methodological approaches to choosing of routes, to estimate the number of charging stations, depending on their type, and to conduct economic assessment of the proposed solutions in specific operating conditions.The article discusses the main issues of organising operation of buses with electric traction (electric buses) on the routes of public urban surface transport. A primary analysis of both current and prospective electric bus routes was carried out regarding the city of Moscow.Adaptive calculation methods are proposed based on classical methods for determining the required number of vehicles for a route regarding a given transit capacity, passenger traffic flow, and a given traffic interval.The current and prospective schemes for location of charging stations are considered, a method for determining their required number is proposed.A methodological approach of determining direct costs associated with transportation has been adapted to operation of electric buses on the route.


FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)

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