Level of First Aid Skills Among Drivers in Russia and the European Union


Popov A. V.1,Kaimakova U. M.2,Stetsky N. P.2


1. Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute, branch of Volgograd State Technical University

2. Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


The Russian Federation occupies one of the first places in terms of road transport mortality. While the countries of the European Union play a special and significant role in reducing global indicators of road traffic mortality. The objective of the study is to compare the level of knowledge on first aid techniques among drivers in the Russian Federation and EU countries. In continuation of the previous work, in the framework of which a study was conducted by interviewing citizens of the Russian Federation according to the questionnaire developed by the authors, the number of respondents increased from 107 to 403 people. To compare the indicators, 402 European Union citizens were surveyed. The survey was conducted in May–September 2018 and in January and June 2019. A direct survey was conducted by the students of VPI (branch) of VolSTU and Volgograd State Medical University. The platform https://docs.google.com/forms was also used, a link to the questionnaire was posted in the most active driver communities in the social networks Vkontakte and Facebook. According to the data received, Russian driving schools are much more likely to neglect conducting first aid classes than European ones. EU respondents were much less likely to encounter the need for first aid, which may be due to the shorter time for arrival of a team of doctors at the scene of an accident. The most significant discrepancies were revealed in drivers’ knowledge regarding issues related to application of a hemostatic tourniquet, indications of beginning of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and its methods, and actions in case of fractures of the extremities, i.e. critical in cases of traffic accidents. The general preliminary conclusion, subject to fruther detailing, is drawn that more attention is paid to first aid issues in the EU. To improve the situation in Russia, a number of measures have been proposed: compulsory medical classes at driving schools by a medical professional, greater attention to training in first aid techniques in educational institutions, training of special services for first aid skills and facilitating the training of ordinary citizens.


FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)

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