The Impact of the Transport Industry on the Economic and Technological Capacity of the Territories


Guskina N. V.1


1. Russian University of Transport


The activities of economic entities operating in a specific territory depends to the highest degree on the action of transport factors comprising the existing economic links and resource provision of those territories. At the same time, it is necessary to highlight a special role of the economic and technological capacity in sustenance of the territorial economy. The economic and technological capacity is an indicator of its material basis as well as of the success of development of the material and innovative base of a particular territory. At the same time there exists a certain cognitive gap in understanding the impact of transport infrastructure on the potential of the territory that makes relevant the continuation of the research to theoretically understand that impact. The objective of this work is to theoretically substantiate the influence of the transport industry on the activities of economic entities of the territories considering the economic and technological capacity of a territory. The integrated approach and empirical and theoretical method used in the work have allowed to conduct the research based on aggregated characteristics of transport industry and open statistical data and to describe the impact there-of on the economic and technological capacity of a territory. To achieve comparable results within the framework of the single national economic and transport system that helps to level the influence of country’s specific features, the analysis referred to the main indices of the activity of territorial districts of the Russian Federation including rates of development of the transport system, general dynamics of the changes in the length of routes and roads and the role of investment in the activity of the transport industry. Results and prospects of the activity of the transport industry were determined regarding territorial interactions of economic entities. The suggested approach to the analysis of the relationship between economic and technological capacity of the territories and transport systems is offered as a basis for further research since being sufficiently universal and once further developed and adapted to relevant conditions it can be decomposed or scaled up regarding study of smaller territorial entities or, on the contrary, of selected countries. 


FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)

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