Exploring customer preferences to drive successful food supplement placement in Croatia


Martinović Maja,Čolak Ivana,Barac Zoran


This study examines the preferences and influences on the decisions of Croatiancustomers when purchasing food supplements. A survey of 312 customers of foodsupplements in Croatia found that distribution channels and pharmaciessignificantly influence the purchasing process, attributed to the value added bypharmacists. The most important aspects that customers consider are the type andamount of active and auxiliary ingredients (excipients) of the product. Brand-conscious customers consider the manufacturer and the product’s country of originimportant. The greatest influence is the recommendation of family members orfriends. People prefer to choose a food supplement that offers value for money, butthose without previous experience with the product are more price sensitive andbuy on sales promotions such as discounts and packaging at a promotional price.Based on the results of this study, manufacturers and distributors of foodsupplements can create strategies in which, through co-creation with consumers,they achieve a competitive edge, encourage loyalty, and improve business results.


University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business








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