Commentary concerning demonstration of safety and efficacy of investigational anticancer agents in clinical trials.


O'Shaughnessy J A,Wittes R E,Burke G,Friedman M A,Johnson J R,Niederhuber J E,Rothenberg M L,Woodcock J,Chabner B A,Temple R


Expeditious clinical development and approval of new drugs that are beneficial to patients are matters of high priority. There has been a great deal of discussion within the oncology community about what should constitute evidence of effectiveness of new anticancer agents for purposes of drug approval. This commentary is intended to illustrate a variety of end points that can lead to approval of new anticancer agents for specific clinical situations. Although the ultimate hope of antineoplastic therapy is prolongation of life, there are other effects of anticancer drugs that constitute clear clinical benefit and represent evidence of effectiveness. The guiding principle is that the beneficial effects obtained from a new drug should sufficiently outweigh the adverse effects such that the potential risk:benefit ratio achieved by an individual patient is favorable. The assessment of a new drug should flexibly evaluate safety and efficacy in the context of the specific clinical condition being treated. Early discussions with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) are recommended to identify prospectively the end points and trial designs needed to demonstrate effectiveness of a new drug. The general principles discussed will likely apply to the drug approval process for other medical disciplines as well.


American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)


Cancer Research,Oncology

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