1. Chung Ang University
2. Ewha Womans University
In recent years, digital transformation has profoundly impacted a wide range of professions, including
interpreting. As technology advancements continue to develop rapidly, it is imperative for interpreters to be able to work in a
digital environment and use different tools than in traditional workplaces (Sang 2020).
Against this backdrop, this paper examines a post-training survey administered by the Korean Association of Translators and
Interpreters (KATI) following their digital literacy academy seminar and offers recommendations for future implementations. Three
research questions guide this paper: (1) What do trainees expect from the digital literacy training provided by the association?
(2) What kind of training do trainees want to see in the future? (3) What are interpreters’ expectations for the future
development of Computer-Assisted Interpreting (CAI)? The research includes a descriptive account of KATI’s first rollout of
digital literacy training for interpreters in Korea and an analysis of the post-training survey, followed by implications for
future training.
John Benjamins Publishing Company