1. Universitas Sanata Dharma
2. Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat
This cyberpragmatic study investigates the correlation between spatial multimodal cybertext environments and their
psychological impact on speech intent. The research delves into speech fragments in diverse cybertextual contexts across social
media platforms. The methodology involves data identification, transcription, classification, and typification. Similarly, looking
at things, the study shows that the physical settings of cybertexts have a big effect on the everyday meanings of words, acting as
background, determinant, emphasis enhancer, reinforcement, illustration, and signal for speech intent. The research explores the
distinct role of each category in shaping speech intention within spatial cybertexts, underscoring how these insights can
facilitate effective communication and their psychological impact on speech intent, particularly for language learners on social
media platforms.
John Benjamins Publishing Company