1. University of Ljubljana
In the attempt to make a further step toward a research-based definition of the core professional development
needs of teachers of languages for specific purposes (LSP), this paper aims to upgrade the framework of professional development
needs of LSP teachers developed by Bocanegra-Valle and Basturkmen (2019). With this
objective in mind, the paper will examine the differences in the professional development needs of LSP teachers in the European
Higher Education Area (EHEA) based on their experience with LSP teaching in higher education, qualification level, and LSP taught.
The results suggest that the core LSP teacher professional development needs are distributed across the categories of course
development, knowledge of the target discipline/profession/industry, knowledge of language use in the target
discipline/profession/industry, peer collaboration, and professional development opportunities. Efficient LSP teacher professional
development could be based on a three-stage model: a general LGP teaching methodology course, followed by a general LSP teaching
methodology course, and finally discipline-specific acculturation.
John Benjamins Publishing Company