1. Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit
2. Indian Institute of Science
3. Bangalore 560012
4. India
5. Paul Scherrer Institut
6. Surface Engineering Division
7. CSIR − National Aerospace Laboratories
8. Bangalore 560017
9. 5253 Villigen
10. Switzerland
11. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
12. 1015 Lausanne
13. SNBL
14. European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
15. 38043 Grenoble
16. France
17. Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie
18. Universität Münster
19. 48149 Münster
20. Germany
21. Department of Physics
22. Goa University
23. Taleigao Plateau
24. Goa 403206
25. Department of Chemistry and Centre of Nanotechnology
26. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
27. Roorkee 247667