1. School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering
2. Guangdong University of Technology
3. Guangzhou 510006
4. China
5. Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry
6. Institute of Advanced Synthesis
7. School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering
8. Nanjing Tech University
9. Nanjing 211816
10. State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications
11. Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics
12. Chinese Academy of Sciences
13. Changchun 130033
14. College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
15. Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
16. Nanchang 33004
17. University of Lyon
18. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
19. CNRS
20. Institut Lumière Matière
21. Villeurbanne
22. School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
23. Nanyang Technological University
24. Singapore 637371
25. Singapore