1. Institute of Technical Thermodynamics
2. RWTH Aachen University
3. 52062 Aachen
4. Germany
5. Carbon Minds GmbH
6. Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR)
7. Universität Kassel
8. 34109 Kassel
9. Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
10. University of Calgary
11. Calgary
12. Canada
13. Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
14. University of California, Santa Barbara
15. Santa Barbara
16. USA
17. European Commission – Joint Research Centre
18. 21027 Ispra (VA)
19. Italy
20. Department of Mechanical Engineering
21. University of Michigan
22. Ann Arbor
23. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science
24. The Mill, Sackville Street
25. The University of Manchester
26. Manchester M13 9PL
27. UK
28. Ademe Industries
29. Department avenue du Grésillé
30. 49004 Angers Cedex 01
31. France
32. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
33. Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
34. Daejeon 305-338
35. Republic of Korea
36. Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Energy Systems Engineering (IEK-10)