1. Chemistry Department at Grand Valley State University in Allendale MI USA
The sudden shift to online teaching in response to the COVID-19 pandemic created a unique environment—all at once, nearly every chemistry instructor was once again plunged into the ocean of teaching as a novice; adrift in our own classroom, floundering through new technologies, adjusting policies, facing wave after wave of new decisions and new challenges. We needed a life preserver; a community of our peers to help us navigate the uncharted waters. One venue for this support was Strategies for Teaching Chemistry Online (SFTCO), a Facebook group created in March 2020 with the purpose of supporting chemistry instructors going through this experience. This chapter explores the important features of the Facebook group that fostered a community of practice for chemistry instructors and examines the resources offered by the community using the technological pedagogical content knowledge framework. These resources include technological insights, strategies for assessment, and recommendations for inclusive practices to promote diversity. Even as instructors and students eagerly anticipate returning to face-to-face teaching, SFTCO provides the potential to be a valuable resource for chemistry instructors far beyond the pandemic.
The Royal Society of Chemistry